package runt import ( "bytes" "encoding/hex" "errors" "fmt" "go/ast" "math" "os" R "reflect" "runtime/debug" "sort" "strconv" "strings" . "" ) var _ = debug.PrintStack const SHOW_DEPTH = 6 var None = &PNone{} var True = &PBool{B: true} var False = &PBool{B: false} func init() { None.Self = None True.Self = True False.Self = False } var RyeEnv string var Debug int var DebugAdapt int var DebugGo int func init() { RyeEnv := os.Getenv("RYE") for _, ch := range RyeEnv { switch ch { case 'd': Debug++ case 'a': DebugAdapt++ case 'g': DebugGo++ } } } // P is the interface for every Pythonic value. type P interface { Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) Show() string String() string Repr() string Type() P Is(a P) bool IsNot(a P) bool GetSelf() P SetSelf(a P) GetPBase() *PBase Field(field string) P // FieldGets(field string, x P) P FieldForCall(field string) P Call(aa ...P) P Invoke(field string, aa ...P) P Iter() Nexter List() []P Dict() map[string]P Len() int SetItem(i P, x P) DelItem(i P) DelItemSlice(i, j P) GetItem(a P) P GetItemSlice(a, b, c P) P Contains(a P) bool // Reverse "in" NotContains(a P) bool // Reverse "not in" Add(a P) P Sub(a P) P Mul(a P) P Div(a P) P IDiv(a P) P Mod(a P) P Pow(a P) P BitAnd(a P) P BitOr(a P) P BitXor(a P) P ShiftLeft(a P) P ShiftRight(a P) P UnsignedShiftRight(a P) P IAdd(a P) // += ISub(a P) // -= IMul(a P) // *= Bool() bool // a.k.a. nonzero() UnaryMinus() P UnaryPlus() P UnaryInvert() P EQ(a P) bool NE(a P) bool LT(a P) bool LE(a P) bool GT(a P) bool GE(a P) bool Compare(a P) int // Non-rich comparison. Int() int64 Float() float64 Complex() complex128 Contents() interface{} Bytes() []byte } func Pickle(p P) []byte { var b bytes.Buffer p.GetSelf().Pickle(&b) z := b.Bytes() //@ Say("PICKLE", len(z)) return z } // C_object is the root of inherited classes. type C_object struct { PBase } func (o *C_object) PtrC_object() *C_object { return o } func MkPromise(fn func() P) *C_promise { z := &C_promise{Ch: make(chan EitherPOrError, 1)} z.SetSelf(z) if DebugGo > 0 { println("#go# Made Promise: ", z) } go func() { var x P defer func() { r := recover() if r != nil { if DebugGo > 0 { println("#go# BAD Promise: ", z, r) PrintStack(r) } z.Ch <- EitherPOrError{Left: r, Right: nil} } else { if DebugGo > 0 { println("#go# OK Promise: ", z, x) } z.Ch <- EitherPOrError{Left: nil, Right: x} } }() if DebugGo > 0 { println("#go# Running Promise: ", z) } x = fn() if DebugGo > 0 { println("#go# Ran Promise: ", z) } }() if DebugGo > 0 { println("#go# Started Promise: ", z) } return z } type C_promise struct { C_object Ch chan EitherPOrError } func (o *C_promise) PtrC_promise() *C_promise { return o } type meth_C_promise_Wait struct { PBase Promise *C_promise } func (o *C_promise) GET_Wait() P { z := &meth_C_promise_Wait{Promise: o} z.SetSelf(z) return z } func (o *meth_C_promise_Wait) Call0() P { ch := o.Promise.Ch if ch == nil { panic("Wait() called more than once on promise") } x := <-ch o.Promise.Ch = nil // Don't allow another Wait. if x.Left != nil { panic(x.Left) } return x.Right } type EitherPOrError struct { Right P Left interface{} } type void struct{} // C_generator is the channel begin a yielding producer and a consuming for loop. type C_generator struct { C_object Ready chan *void Result chan EitherPOrError Finished bool } const GENERATOR_ASYNC = 5 func NewGenerator() *C_generator { z := &C_generator{ Ready: make(chan *void, GENERATOR_ASYNC), Result: make(chan EitherPOrError, GENERATOR_ASYNC), } z.SetSelf(z) // Signal the coroutine so it can run asynchronously. for i := 0; i < GENERATOR_ASYNC; i++ { z.Ready <- nil } return z } func (o *C_generator) PtrC_generator() *C_generator { return o } func (o *C_generator) Iter() Nexter { return o } func (o *C_generator) List() []P { var z []P for { x, gotOne := o.Next() if !gotOne { break } z = append(z, x) } o.Enough() return z } // Next is called by the consumer. // Next waits for next result from the generator. // It returns either a result of type P and true, // or if there are no more, it returns nil and false. // If the generator goroutine died on an exception, // that exception gets wrapped in a new error and rethrown here. func (o *C_generator) Next() (P, bool) { o.Ready <- nil // That wakes up the generator goroutine. // Now we block, waiting on next result. either, ok := <-o.Result //@ Say("##### NEXT", either, ok) if !ok { return nil, false } if either.Left != nil { close(o.Ready) panic(errors.New(F("Generator threw exception: %q", either.Left))) } return either.Right, true } // Enough is called by the consumer, to tell the producer to stop because we've got enough. func (o *C_generator) Enough() { close(o.Ready) } // Yield is called by the producer, to yield a value to the consumer. func (o *C_generator) Yield(item P) { o.Result <- EitherPOrError{Right: item, Left: nil} } // Yield is called by the producer when it catches an exception, to yield it to the producer (as an Either Left). func (o *C_generator) YieldError(err error) { o.Result <- EitherPOrError{Right: nil, Left: err} } // Finish is called by the producer when it is finished. func (o *C_generator) Finish() { //@ Say("FINISH") if !o.Finished { o.Finished = true close(o.Result) } } // Wait is called by the producer, once at the start, and once after each yield. // Wait returns false if the consumer said Enough. // TODO: Don't wait, to achieve concurrency. Let the user decide the Result channel buffer size. func (o *C_generator) Wait() bool { _, ok := <-o.Ready //@ Say("WAIT ->", ok) return ok } type PBase struct { Self P } func (o *PBase) GetPBase() *PBase { return o } func (o *PBase) GetSelf() P { return o.Self } func (o *PBase) SetSelf(a P) { o.Self = a } func (o *PBase) Field(field string) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Field", o.Self, o, field)) } //func (o *PBase) FieldGets(field string, x P) P { // panic(Bad("Receiver cannot FieldGets", o.Self, o, field, x)) //} func (o *PBase) FieldForCall(field string) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot FieldForCall", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Call(aa ...P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Call", o.Self, aa)) } func (o *PBase) Invoke(field string, aa ...P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot invoke", o.Self, field, aa)) } func (o *PBase) Len() int { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Len: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) GetItem(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot GetItem", o.Self, o, a)) } func (o *PBase) GetItemSlice(a, b, c P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot GetItemSlice", o.Self, o, a, b, c)) } func (o *PBase) Is(a P) bool { return o.GetSelf() == a.GetSelf() } func (o *PBase) IsNot(a P) bool { return o.GetSelf() != a.GetSelf() } func (o *PBase) Contains(a P) bool { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Contains: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) NotContains(a P) bool { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot NotContains: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) SetItem(i P, x P) { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot SetItem: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) DelItem(i P) { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot DelItem: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) DelItemSlice(i, j P) { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot DelItemSlice: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Iter() Nexter { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Iter: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) List() []P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot List: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Dict() map[string]P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Dict: ", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Add(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Add: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) Sub(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Sub: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) Mul(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Mul: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) Div(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Div: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) IDiv(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot IDiv: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) Mod(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Mod: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) Pow(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Pow: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) BitAnd(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot BitAnd: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) BitOr(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot BitOr: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) BitXor(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot BitXor: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) ShiftLeft(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot ShiftLeft: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) ShiftRight(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot ShiftRight: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) UnsignedShiftRight(a P) P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot UnsignedShiftRight: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) IAdd(a P) { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot IAdd: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) ISub(a P) { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot ISub: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) IMul(a P) { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot IMul: ", o.Self, a)) } func (o *PBase) EQ(a P) bool { return o.Self.Compare(a) == 0 } func (o *PBase) NE(a P) bool { return o.Self.Compare(a) != 0 } func (o *PBase) LT(a P) bool { return o.Self.Compare(a) < 0 } func (o *PBase) LE(a P) bool { return o.Self.Compare(a) <= 0 } func (o *PBase) GT(a P) bool { return o.Self.Compare(a) > 0 } func (o *PBase) GE(a P) bool { return o.Self.Compare(a) >= 0 } func (o *PBase) Compare(a P) int { // Default comparision uses address in memory. x := R.ValueOf(o).Pointer() y := R.ValueOf(a.GetPBase()).Pointer() switch { case x < y: return -1 case x > y: return 1 } return 0 } func (o *PBase) Bool() bool { return true } // Most things are true. func (o *PBase) UnaryMinus() P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot UnaryMinus", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) UnaryPlus() P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot UnaryPlus", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) UnaryInvert() P { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot UnaryInvert", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Int() int64 { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Int", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Float() float64 { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Float", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Complex() complex128 { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Complex", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Contents() interface{} { return o.Self } func (o *PBase) Type() P { return MkStr(F("%T", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Bytes() []byte { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Bytes", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) String() string { if o.Self == nil { panic("PBase: Why is o.Self NIL?") } return o.Self.Show() } func (o *PBase) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { panic(Bad("Receiver cannot Pickle", o.Self)) } func (o *PBase) Repr() string { return o.Self.String() } func (o *PBase) Show() string { if o.Self == nil { panic("OHNO: o.Self == nil") } return ShowP(o.Self, SHOW_DEPTH) } func ShowP(a P, depth int) string { m := make(map[string]R.Value) return ShowPmap(a, depth, m, false) } func ShowPmap(a P, depth int, m map[string]R.Value, anon bool) string { if a == nil { return "P(nil) " } r := R.ValueOf(a) // TODO: I don't like this code. if !r.IsValid() { panic("INVALID") } switch r.Kind() { case R.Interface: if r.IsNil() { return "$NIL_INTERFACE$ " } r = r.Elem() } // Deref pointers. switch r.Kind() { case R.Ptr: if r.IsNil() { return "$NIL_PTR$ " } r = r.Elem() } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) t := r.Type() switch r.Kind() { case R.Struct: ptr := r.Addr().Pointer() mapkey := F("%s@%x", t.Name(), ptr) if !anon { buf.WriteString(F(" %s@%04d{ ", t.Name(), (ptr/4)%9999)) } // XYZZY _, ok := m[mapkey] m[mapkey] = r if !ok && depth > 0 { for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { f := t.Field(i) k := f.Name if k == "PBase" { continue } if k == "C_object" || k == "object" { continue } if !ast.IsExported(k) { buf.WriteString("$PRIVATE$ ") continue } v := r.Field(i) switch x := v.Interface().(type) { case R.Value: v = x } if !v.IsValid() { buf.WriteString(F("%s=Invalid ", k)) continue } switch x := v.Interface().(type) { case *PInt: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%d ", k, x.N)) case *PFloat: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%f ", k, x.F)) case *PStr: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%q ", k, x.S)) case *PNone: buf.WriteString(F("%s=None ", k)) case *PGo: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%v ", k, x.V.Interface())) case P: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%s ", k, ShowPmap(x, depth-1, m, false))) case []P: buf.WriteString(F("%s=[%d]{ ", k, len(x))) for _, xe := range x { buf.WriteString(F(" %s,", ShowPmap(xe, depth-1, m, false))) } buf.WriteString("} ") case int: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%d ", k, x)) case int64: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%d ", k, x)) case float64: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%f ", k, x)) case string: buf.WriteString(F("%s=%q ", k, x)) case fmt.Stringer: buf.WriteString(F("%s~%T~%v ", k, x, x)) default: for v.Kind() == R.Interface { v = v.Elem() } for v.Kind() == R.Ptr { v = v.Elem() } if v.Kind() == R.Struct { thing := v.Addr().Interface() if inner, ok := thing.(P); ok { buf.WriteString(F("%s", ShowPmap(inner, depth, m, f.Anonymous))) } else { buf.WriteString(F("%v", v.Interface())) } } else { buf.WriteString(F("%s:%s ", k, v.Type().Name())) } } } } if !anon { buf.WriteString("} ") } // XYZZY default: buf.WriteString(F("Kind:%s", r.Kind())) } return buf.String() } type PInt struct { PBase N int64 } type PBool struct { PBase B bool } type PFloat struct { PBase F float64 } type PStr struct { PBase S string } type PByt struct { PBase YY []byte } type PGo struct { PBase V R.Value } type PList struct { PBase PP []P } type PListIter struct { PBase PP []P I int } type PTuple struct { PBase PP []P } type PNone struct { PBase } type Scope map[string]P type PDict struct { PBase PPP Scope } type PObj struct { PBase Obj interface{} } func MkGo(a interface{}) *PGo { z := &PGo{V: R.ValueOf(a)}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkValue(a R.Value) *PGo { z := &PGo{V: a}; z.Self = z; return z } func Mkint(n int) *PInt { z := &PInt{N: int64(n)}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkInt(n int64) *PInt { z := &PInt{N: n}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkFloat(f float64) *PFloat { z := &PFloat{F: f}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkStr(s string) *PStr { z := &PStr{S: s}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkByt(yy []byte) *PByt { z := &PByt{YY: yy}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkStrs(ss []string) *PList { pp := make([]P, len(ss)) for i, s := range ss { pp[i] = MkStr(s) } return MkList(pp) } func MkList(pp []P) *PList { z := &PList{PP: pp}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkTuple(pp []P) *PTuple { z := &PTuple{PP: pp}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkDict(ppp Scope) *PDict { z := &PDict{PPP: ppp}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkDictFromPairs(pp []P) *PDict { z := &PDict{PPP: make(Scope)} z.Self = z for _, x := range pp { sub := x.List() if len(sub) != 2 { Bad("Expected sublist of size 2, but got size %d", len(sub)) } k := sub[0].String() v := sub[1] z.PPP[k] = v } return z } func MkListV(pp ...P) *PList { z := &PList{PP: pp}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkTupleV(pp ...P) *PTuple { z := &PTuple{PP: pp}; z.Self = z; return z } func MkDictV(pp ...P) *PDict { if (len(pp) % 2) == 1 { panic("MkDictV got odd len(pp)") } zzz := make(Scope) for i := 0; i < len(pp); i += 2 { zzz[pp[i].String()] = pp[i+1] } z := &PDict{PPP: zzz} z.Self = z return z } func MkNone() *PNone { return None } func MkBool(b bool) *PBool { if b { return True } else { return False } } func WriteC(w *bytes.Buffer, c rune) { n, err := w.Write([]byte{byte(c)}) if n != 1 { panic("WriteB: could not Write") } if err != nil { panic(F("WriteB: error during Write: %s", err)) } } func (o *PNone) Bool() bool { return false } func (o *PNone) String() string { return "None" } func (o *PNone) Repr() string { return "None" } func (o *PNone) Contents() interface{} { return nil } func (o *PNone) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { w.WriteByte(RypNone) } func (o *PBool) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { if o.B { w.WriteByte(RypTrue) } else { w.WriteByte(RypFalse) } } func (o *PBool) Contents() interface{} { return o.B } func (o *PBool) Bool() bool { return o.B } func (o *PBool) Int() int64 { if o.B { return 1 } else { return 0 } } func (o *PBool) Float() float64 { if o.B { return 1.0 } else { return 0.0 } } func (o *PBool) String() string { if o.B { return "True" } else { return "False" } } func (o *PBool) Repr() string { if o.B { return "True" } else { return "False" } } func (o *PBool) Type() P { return B_bool } func (o *PBool) Compare(a P) int { x := o.Float() y := a.Float() switch { case x < y: return -1 case x > y: return 1 case x == y: return 0 } panic(F("Cannot compare *PFloat to %T", a)) } func (o *PInt) UnaryMinus() P { return MkInt(0 - o.N) } func (o *PInt) UnaryPlus() P { return o } func (o *PInt) UnaryInvert() P { return MkInt(int64(-1) ^ o.N) } func (o *PInt) Add(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N + a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) Sub(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N - a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) Mul(a P) P { switch x := a.(type) { case *PInt: return MkInt(o.N * x.N) case *PFloat: return MkFloat(float64(o.N) * x.F) case *PStr: return MkStr(strings.Repeat(x.S, int(o.N))) case *PList: var z []P for i := 0; i < int(o.N); i++ { z = append(z, x.PP...) } return MkList(z) case *PTuple: var z []P for i := 0; i < int(o.N); i++ { z = append(z, x.PP...) } return MkTuple(z) case *PGo: bt := x.V.Type() switch bt.Kind() { case R.Int64, R.Int: return MkInt(o.N * x.V.Int()) } } panic("Cannot multply int times whatever") } func (o *PInt) Div(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N / a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) Mod(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N % a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) BitAnd(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N & a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) BitOr(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N | a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) BitXor(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N ^ a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) ShiftLeft(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N << uint64(a.Int())) } func (o *PInt) ShiftRight(a P) P { return MkInt(o.N >> uint64(a.Int())) } func (o *PInt) UnsignedShiftRight(a P) P { return MkInt(int64(uint64(o.N) >> uint64(a.Int()))) } func (o *PInt) EQ(a P) bool { return (o.N == a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) NE(a P) bool { return (o.N != a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) LT(a P) bool { return (o.N < a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) LE(a P) bool { return (o.N <= a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) GT(a P) bool { return (o.N > a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) GE(a P) bool { return (o.N >= a.Int()) } func (o *PInt) Compare(a P) int { switch b := a.(type) { case *PInt: switch { case o.N < b.N: return -1 case o.N > b.N: return 1 } return 0 case *PFloat: switch { case float64(o.N) < b.F: return -1 case float64(o.N) > b.F: return 1 } return 0 case *PBool: c := b.Int() switch { case o.N < c: return -1 case o.N > c: return 1 } return 0 } panic(F("Cannot compare *PInt to %T", a)) } func (o *PInt) Int() int64 { return o.N } func (o *PInt) Float() float64 { return float64(o.N) } func (o *PInt) String() string { return strconv.FormatInt(o.N, 10) } func (o *PInt) Repr() string { return o.String() } func (o *PInt) Bool() bool { return o.N != 0 } func (o *PInt) Type() P { return B_int } func (o *PInt) Contents() interface{} { return o.N } func (o *PInt) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { n := RypIntLenMinus1(o.N) w.WriteByte(byte(RypInt + n)) RypWriteInt(w, o.N) } func (o *PFloat) Add(a P) P { return MkFloat(o.F + a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) Sub(a P) P { return MkFloat(o.F - a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) Mul(a P) P { return MkFloat(o.F * a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) Div(a P) P { return MkFloat(o.F / a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) EQ(a P) bool { return (o.F == a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) NE(a P) bool { return (o.F != a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) LT(a P) bool { return (o.F < a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) LE(a P) bool { return (o.F <= a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) GT(a P) bool { return (o.F > a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) GE(a P) bool { return (o.F >= a.Float()) } func (o *PFloat) Compare(a P) int { c := a.Float() switch { case o.F < c: return -1 case o.F > c: return 1 case o.F == c: return 0 } panic(F("Cannot compare *PFloat to %T", a)) } func (o *PFloat) Int() int64 { return int64(o.F) } func (o *PFloat) Float() float64 { return o.F } func (o *PFloat) String() string { return strconv.FormatFloat(o.F, 'g', -1, 64) } func (o *PFloat) Repr() string { return o.String() } func (o *PFloat) Bool() bool { return o.F != 0 } func (o *PFloat) Type() P { return B_float } func (o *PFloat) Contents() interface{} { return o.F } func (o *PFloat) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { x := int64(math.Float64bits(o.F)) n := RypIntLenMinus1(x) w.WriteByte(byte(RypFloat + n)) RypWriteInt(w, x) } func (o *PStr) Iter() Nexter { var pp []P for _, r := range o.S { pp = append(pp, MkStr(string(r))) } z := &PListIter{PP: pp} z.Self = z return z } func (o *PStr) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { l := int64(len(o.S)) n := RypIntLenMinus1(l) w.WriteByte(byte(RypStr + n)) RypWriteInt(w, l) w.WriteString(o.S) } func (o *PStr) Contents() interface{} { return o.S } func (o *PStr) Bool() bool { return len(o.S) != 0 } func (o *PStr) GetItem(x P) P { i := x.Int() if i < 0 { i += int64(len(o.S)) } return MkStr(o.S[i : i+1]) } func (o *PStr) GetItemSlice(x, y, z P) P { var i, j int64 if x == None { i = 0 } else { i = x.Int() if i < 0 { i += int64(len(o.S)) } } if y == None { j = int64(len(o.S)) } else { j = y.Int() if j < 0 { j += int64(len(o.S)) } } // TODO: Step by z. if z != None { panic("GetItemSlice: step not imp") } r := MkStr(o.S[i:j]) return r } func (o *PStr) Mod(a P) P { switch t := a.(type) { case *PTuple: z := make([]interface{}, len(t.PP)) for i, e := range t.PP { // THIS NEEDS WORK. z[i] = e.Contents() } return MkStr(F(o.S, z...)) case *PInt: return MkStr(F(o.S, t.N)) case *PFloat: return MkStr(F(o.S, t.F)) case *PStr: return MkStr(F(o.S, t.S)) default: // THIS NEEDS WORK. panic(Show("Bad value on rhs in Mod:", a)) return MkStr(F(o.S, a.Contents())) } } func (o *PStr) Mul(a P) P { switch t := a.(type) { case *PInt: return MkStr(strings.Repeat(o.S, int(t.Int()))) } panic(Badf("Cannot multiply: str * %t", a)) } func (o *PStr) NotContains(a P) bool { return !o.Contains(a) } func (o *PStr) Contains(a P) bool { switch t := a.(type) { case *PStr: return strings.Contains(o.S, t.S) } panic(Bad("string cannot Contain non-string:", a)) } func (o *PStr) Add(a P) P { return MkStr(o.S + a.String()) } func (o *PStr) EQ(a P) bool { return (o.S == a.String()) } func (o *PStr) NE(a P) bool { return (o.S != a.String()) } func (o *PStr) LT(a P) bool { return (o.S < a.String()) } func (o *PStr) LE(a P) bool { return (o.S <= a.String()) } func (o *PStr) GT(a P) bool { return (o.S > a.String()) } func (o *PStr) GE(a P) bool { return (o.S >= a.String()) } func (o *PStr) Compare(a P) int { switch b := a.(type) { case *PStr: switch { case o.S < b.S: return -1 case o.S > b.S: return 1 } return 0 } panic(F("Cannot compare *PStr to %T", a)) } func (o *PStr) Int() int64 { return CI(strconv.ParseInt(o.S, 10, 64)) } func (o *PStr) String() string { return o.S } func (o *PStr) Bytes() []byte { return []byte(o.S) } func (o *PStr) Len() int { return len(o.S) } func (o *PStr) Repr() string { return F("%q", o.S) } func (o *PStr) Type() P { return B_str } func (o *PByt) Iter() Nexter { var pp []P for _, r := range o.YY { pp = append(pp, Mkint(int(r))) } z := &PListIter{PP: pp} z.Self = z return z } func (o *PByt) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { l := int64(len(o.YY)) n := RypIntLenMinus1(l) w.WriteByte(byte(RypByt + n)) RypWriteInt(w, l) w.Write(o.YY) } func (o *PByt) Contents() interface{} { return o.YY } func (o *PByt) Bool() bool { return len(o.YY) != 0 } func (o *PByt) GetItem(a P) P { i := int(a.Int()) if i < 0 { i += len(o.YY) } return Mkint(int(o.YY[i])) } func (o *PByt) SetItem(a P, x P) { i := int(a.Int()) if i < 0 { i += len(o.YY) } o.YY[i] = byte(x.Int()) } func (o *PByt) GetItemSlice(x, y, z P) P { var i, j int64 if x == None { i = 0 } else { i = x.Int() if i < 0 { i += int64(len(o.YY)) } } if y == None { j = int64(len(o.YY)) } else { j = y.Int() if j < 0 { j += int64(len(o.YY)) } } // TODO: Step by z. if z != None { panic("GetItemSlice: step not imp") } r := MkByt(o.YY[i:j]) return r } func (o *PByt) Mul(a P) P { switch t := a.(type) { case *PInt: return MkByt(bytes.Repeat(o.YY, int(t.Int()))) } panic(Badf("Cannot multiply: byt * %t", a)) } func (o *PByt) NotContains(a P) bool { return !o.Contains(a) } func (o *PByt) Contains(a P) bool { switch t := a.(type) { case *PByt: return bytes.Contains(o.YY, t.YY) } panic(Bad("Byt cannot Contain non-byt:", a)) } func (o *PByt) Add(a P) P { aa := a.Bytes() var zz []byte zz = append(zz, o.YY...) zz = append(zz, aa...) return MkByt(zz) } func (o *PByt) EQ(a P) bool { return (string(o.YY) == a.String()) } func (o *PByt) NE(a P) bool { return (string(o.YY) != a.String()) } func (o *PByt) LT(a P) bool { return (string(o.YY) < a.String()) } func (o *PByt) LE(a P) bool { return (string(o.YY) <= a.String()) } func (o *PByt) GT(a P) bool { return (string(o.YY) > a.String()) } func (o *PByt) GE(a P) bool { return (string(o.YY) >= a.String()) } func (o *PByt) String() string { return string(o.YY) } func (o *PByt) Show() string { return o.Repr() } func (o *PByt) Bytes() []byte { return o.YY } func (o *PByt) Len() int { return len(o.YY) } func (o *PByt) Repr() string { return F("byt(%q)", string(o.YY)) } func (o *PByt) Type() P { return B_byt } func (o *PByt) List() []P { zz := make([]P, len(o.YY)) for i, x := range o.YY { zz[i] = Mkint(int(x)) } return zz } func (o *PByt) Compare(a P) int { switch b := a.(type) { case *PByt: switch { case string(o.YY) < string(b.YY): return -1 case string(o.YY) > string(b.YY): return 1 } return 0 } panic(F("Cannot compare *PByt to %T", a)) } func (o *PTuple) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { l := int64(len(o.PP)) n := RypIntLenMinus1(l) w.WriteByte(byte(RypTuple + n)) RypWriteInt(w, l) for _, x := range o.PP { x.Pickle(w) } } func (o *PTuple) Contents() interface{} { return o.PP } func (o *PTuple) Bool() bool { return len(o.PP) != 0 } func (o *PTuple) NotContains(a P) bool { return !o.Contains(a) } func (o *PTuple) Contains(a P) bool { for _, x := range o.PP { if a.EQ(x) { return true } } return false } func (o *PTuple) Len() int { return len(o.PP) } func (o *PTuple) GetItem(x P) P { i := x.Int() if i < 0 { i += int64(len(o.PP)) } return o.PP[i] } func (o *PTuple) GetItemSlice(x, y, z P) P { var i, j int64 if x == None { i = 0 } else { i = x.Int() if i < 0 { i += int64(len(o.PP)) } } if y == None { j = int64(len(o.PP)) } else { j = y.Int() if j < 0 { j += int64(len(o.PP)) } } // TODO: Step by z. if z != None { panic("GetItemSlice: step not imp") } r := MkList(o.PP[i:j]) return r } func (o *PTuple) String() string { return o.Repr() } func (o *PTuple) Type() P { return B_tuple } func (o *PTuple) Repr() string { n := len(o.PP) if n == 0 { return "()" } buf := bytes.NewBufferString("(") for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if i > 0 { buf.WriteString(", ") } buf.WriteString(o.PP[i].Repr()) } if n == 1 { buf.WriteString(",") // Special just for singleton tuples. } buf.WriteString(")") return buf.String() } func (o *PTuple) Iter() Nexter { z := &PListIter{PP: o.PP} z.Self = z return z } func (o *PTuple) List() []P { return o.PP } func (o *PTuple) Compare(a P) int { switch b := a.(type) { case *PTuple: on := len(o.PP) bn := len(b.PP) for i := 0; true; i++ { if on <= i { if bn <= i { // Both ended before now, so they were equal. return 0 } else { // bn ls longer, so we are less than it. return -1 } } else { if bn < i { // we are longer, so we are greater than it. return 1 } else { // Neither ended yet. cmp := o.PP[i].Compare(b.PP[i]) if cmp != 0 { return cmp } // But if the are equal, continue with next slot. } } } } panic(F("Cannot compare *PTuple to %T", a)) } func (o *PList) Compare(a P) int { switch b := a.(type) { case *PList: on := len(o.PP) bn := len(b.PP) for i := 0; true; i++ { if on <= i { if bn <= i { // Both ended before now, so they were equal. return 0 } else { // bn ls longer, so we are less than it. return -1 } } else { if bn <= i { // we are longer, so we are greater than it. return 1 } else { // Neither ended yet. cmp := o.PP[i].Compare(b.PP[i]) if cmp != 0 { return cmp } // But if the are equal, continue with next slot. } } } } panic(F("Cannot compare *PList to %T", a)) } func (o *PList) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { l := int64(len(o.PP)) n := RypIntLenMinus1(l) w.WriteByte(byte(RypList + n)) RypWriteInt(w, l) for _, x := range o.PP { x.Pickle(w) } } func (o *PList) Add(a P) P { b := a.List() z := make([]P, 0, len(o.PP)+len(b)) z = append(z, o.PP...) z = append(z, b...) return MkList(z) } func (o *PList) Contents() interface{} { return o.PP } func (o *PList) Bool() bool { return len(o.PP) != 0 } func (o *PList) NotContains(a P) bool { return !o.Contains(a) } func (o *PList) Contains(a P) bool { for _, x := range o.PP { if a.EQ(x) { return true } } return false } func (o *PList) Bytes() []byte { zz := make([]byte, len(o.PP)) for i, x := range o.PP { zz[i] = byte(x.Int()) } return zz } func (o *PList) Len() int { return len(o.PP) } func (o *PList) GetItem(x P) P { i := x.Int() if i < 0 { i += int64(len(o.PP)) } return o.PP[i] } func (o *PList) GetItemSlice(x, y, z P) P { var i, j int64 if x == None { i = 0 } else { i = x.Int() if i < 0 { i += int64(len(o.PP)) } } if y == None { j = int64(len(o.PP)) } else { j = y.Int() if j < 0 { j += int64(len(o.PP)) } } // TODO: Step by z. if z != None { panic("GetItemSlice: step not imp") } r := MkList(o.PP[i:j]) return r } func (o *PList) String() string { return o.Repr() } func (o *PList) Type() P { return B_list } func (o *PList) Repr() string { buf := bytes.NewBufferString("[") n := len(o.PP) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if i > 0 { buf.WriteString(", ") } buf.WriteString(o.PP[i].Repr()) } buf.WriteString("]") return buf.String() } func (o *PList) Iter() Nexter { z := &PListIter{PP: o.PP} z.Self = z return z } func (o *PList) List() []P { return o.PP } func (o *PList) DelItem(x P) { // Check out: a := o.PP i := int(x.Int()) copy(a[i:], a[i+1:]) a[len(a)-1] = nil // or the zero value of T o.PP = a[:len(a)-1] } func (o *PList) DelItemSlice(x, y P) { // Check out: a := o.PP i, j := int(x.Int()), int(y.Int()) copy(a[i:], a[j:]) for k, n := len(a)-j+i, len(a); k < n; k++ { a[k] = nil // or the zero value of T } // for k o.PP = a[:len(a)-j+i] } type meth_PList_append struct { PBase list *PList } func (o *PList) GET_append() P { z := &meth_PList_append{list: o} z.SetSelf(z) return z } func (o *meth_PList_append) Call1(item P) P { o.list.PP = append(o.list.PP, item) return o.list } func (o *PListIter) Iter() Nexter { return o } type Nexter interface { Next() (P, bool) } // A Nexter may or may not implement Enough. // It is not built in to Nexter, because if it // does not exist, we can avoid a defer, // which is still expensive, as of go1.2. // When a goroutine is generating, we do want to // defer Enough() so the goroutine won't be leaked. type Enougher interface { Enough() } func (o *PListIter) Next() (P, bool) { if o.I < len(o.PP) { z := o.PP[o.I] o.I++ return z, true } return nil, false } func (o *PDict) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { l := int64(len(o.PPP)) n := RypIntLenMinus1(l) w.WriteByte(byte(RypDict + n)) RypWriteInt(w, l) for k, v := range o.PPP { MkStr(k).Pickle(w) v.Pickle(w) } } func (o *PDict) Contents() interface{} { return o.PPP } func (o *PDict) Bool() bool { return len(o.PPP) != 0 } func (o *PDict) NotContains(a P) bool { return !o.Contains(a) } func (o *PDict) Contains(a P) bool { for x, _ := range o.PPP { if a.EQ(MkStr(x)) { return true } } return false } func (o *PDict) Len() int { return len(o.PPP) } func (o *PDict) SetItem(a P, x P) { key := a.String() o.PPP[key] = x } func (o *PDict) GetItem(a P) P { key := a.String() z, ok := o.PPP[key] if !ok { panic(F("PDict: KeyError: %q", key)) } return z } func (o *PDict) String() string { return o.Repr() } func (o *PDict) Type() P { return B_dict } func (o *PDict) Repr() string { keys := make([]string, 0, len(o.PPP)) for k, _ := range o.PPP { keys = append(keys, k) } buf := bytes.NewBufferString("{") n := len(keys) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if i > 0 { buf.WriteString(", ") } val, ok := o.PPP[keys[i]] if !ok { panic("PDict Repr Not Ok") } buf.WriteString(F("%q: %s", keys[i], val.Repr())) } buf.WriteString("}") return buf.String() } func (o *PDict) Enough() {} func (o *PDict) Iter() Nexter { var keys []P for k, _ := range o.PPP { keys = append(keys, MkStr(k)) } z := &PListIter{PP: keys} z.Self = z return z } func (o *PDict) List() []P { var keys []P for k, _ := range o.PPP { keys = append(keys, MkStr(k)) } return keys } func (o *PDict) Dict() map[string]P { return o.PPP } func (o *PDict) DelItem(i P) { delete(o.PPP, i.String()) } type meth_PDict_keys struct { PBase dict *PDict } func (o *PDict) GET_keys() P { z := &meth_PDict_keys{dict: o} z.SetSelf(z) return z } func (o *meth_PDict_keys) Call0() P { pp := make([]P, 0, len(o.dict.PPP)) for k, _ := range o.dict.PPP { pp = append(pp, MkStr(k)) } return MkList(pp) } type meth_PDict_values struct { PBase dict *PDict } func (o *PDict) GET_values() P { z := &meth_PDict_values{dict: o} z.SetSelf(z) return z } func (o *meth_PDict_values) Call0() P { pp := make([]P, 0, len(o.dict.PPP)) for _, v := range o.dict.PPP { pp = append(pp, v) } return MkList(pp) } type meth_PDict_items struct { PBase dict *PDict } func (o *PDict) GET_items() P { z := &meth_PDict_items{dict: o} z.SetSelf(z) return z } func (o *meth_PDict_items) Call0() P { pp := make([]P, 0, len(o.dict.PPP)) for k, v := range o.dict.PPP { pp = append(pp, MkTuple([]P{MkStr(k), v})) } return MkList(pp) } type meth_PDict_get struct { PBase dict *PDict } func (o *PDict) GET_get() P { z := &meth_PDict_get{dict: o} z.SetSelf(z) return z } func (o *meth_PDict_get) Call1(item P) P { key := item.String() if z, ok := o.dict.PPP[key]; ok { return z } return None } func (o *meth_PDict_get) Call2(item P, dflt P) P { key := item.String() if z, ok := o.dict.PPP[key]; ok { return z } return dflt } type PtrC_object_er interface { PtrC_object() *C_object } func (o *C_object) Repr() string { return ShowP(o.Self, SHOW_DEPTH) } func (o *C_object) EQ(a P) bool { switch a2 := a.(type) { case PtrC_object_er: a3 := a2.PtrC_object() if o == a3 { return true } } return false } var PBaseType = R.TypeOf(PBase{}) var ByteSliceType = R.TypeOf([]byte{}) func (o *C_object) PickleFields(w *bytes.Buffer, v R.Value) { t := v.Type() if t.Kind() != R.Struct { panic(F("PickleFields expected Struct: %q", t.String())) } nf := t.NumField() for i := 0; i < nf; i++ { f := t.Field(i) if f.Anonymous { if f.Type != PBaseType { o.PickleFields(w, v.Field(i)) } } else { RypWriteLabel(w, f.Name) v.Field(i).Interface().(P).GetSelf().Pickle(w) } } } func (o *C_object) Pickle(w *bytes.Buffer) { w.WriteByte(RypClass) RypWriteLabel(w, R.ValueOf(o.Self).Type().Elem().String()) o.PickleFields(w, R.ValueOf(o.Self).Elem()) w.WriteByte(0) // Like a 0-length label, to terminate fields. } func NewList() *PList { z := &PList{PP: make([]P, 0)} z.Self = z return z } func CopyPs(pp []P) []P { zz := make([]P, len(pp)) copy(zz, pp) return zz } func CopyList(aa *PList) *PList { z := &PList{PP: CopyPs(aa.PP)} z.Self = z return z } func RepeatList(aa *PList, n int64) *PList { zz := NewList() for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { zz.PP = append(zz.PP, aa.PP...) } return zz } func Enlist(args ...P) *PList { zz := make([]P, 0) for _, a := range args { zz = append(zz, a) } return MkList(zz) } func Entuple(args ...P) *PTuple { zz := make([]P, 0) for _, a := range args { zz = append(zz, a) } return MkTuple(zz) } func (oo *PList) Append(aa P) { oo.PP = append(oo.PP, aa) } func (oo *PList) AppendElements(aa *PList) { oo.PP = append(oo.PP, aa.PP...) } func MaybeDeref(t R.Value) R.Value { if t.Kind() == R.Ptr || t.Kind() == R.Interface { t = t.Elem() } return t } func MaybeDerefAll(t R.Value) R.Value { for t.Kind() == R.Ptr || t.Kind() == R.Interface { t = t.Elem() } return t } func B_1_len(a P) P { return MkInt(int64(a.Len())) } func B_1_repr(a P) P { return MkStr(a.Repr()) } func B_1_str(a P) P { return MkStr(a.String()) } func B_1_int(a P) P { return MkInt(a.Int()) } func B_1_float(a P) P { return MkFloat(a.Float()) } func B_1_list(a P) P { return MkList(a.List()) } func B_1_tuple(a P) P { return MkTuple(a.List()) } func B_1_dict(a P) P { return MkDictFromPairs(a.List()) } func B_1_bool(a P) P { return MkBool(a.Bool()) } func B_1_type(a P) P { return a.Type() } func B_1_byt(a P) P { switch x := a.(type) { case *PStr: bb := make([]byte, len(x.S)) copy(bb, x.S) return MkByt(bb) case *PByt: return a case *PInt: return MkByt(make([]byte, int(x.N))) } return MkByt(a.Bytes()) } func B_1_range(a P) P { n := a.Int() v := make([]P, n) for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ { v[i] = MkInt(i) } return MkList(v) } // Types for sorting. type AnyPs []P func (o AnyPs) Len() int { return len(o) } func (o AnyPs) Less(i, j int) bool { return (o[i].Compare(o[j]) < 0) } func (o AnyPs) Swap(i, j int) { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] } type StringyPs []P func (o StringyPs) Len() int { return len(o) } func (o StringyPs) Less(i, j int) bool { return (o[i].(*PStr).S < o[j].(*PStr).S) } func (o StringyPs) Swap(i, j int) { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] } type IntyPs []P func (o IntyPs) Len() int { return len(o) } func (o IntyPs) Less(i, j int) bool { return (o[i].(*PInt).N < o[j].(*PInt).N) } func (o IntyPs) Swap(i, j int) { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] } type FloatyPs []P func (o FloatyPs) Len() int { return len(o) } func (o FloatyPs) Less(i, j int) bool { return (o[i].(*PFloat).F < o[j].(*PFloat).F) } func (o FloatyPs) Swap(i, j int) { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] } func B_1_sorted(a P) P { ps := CopyPs(a.List()) if len(ps) == 0 { return MkList([]P{}) } switch ps[0].(type) { // TODO -- Make heterogenous lists work. case *PStr: sort.Sort(StringyPs(ps)) case *PInt: sort.Sort(IntyPs(ps)) case *PFloat: sort.Sort(FloatyPs(ps)) default: sort.Sort(AnyPs(ps)) } return MkList(ps) } // Builting functions. var B_len *PFunc1 var B_repr *PFunc1 var B_str *PFunc1 var B_int *PFunc1 var B_float *PFunc1 var B_range *PFunc1 var B_sorted *PFunc1 var B_list *PFunc1 var B_dict *PFunc1 var B_tuple *PFunc1 var B_bool *PFunc1 var B_type *PFunc1 var B_byt *PFunc1 func init() { B_len = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_len} B_repr = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_repr} B_str = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_str} B_int = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_int} B_float = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_float} B_range = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_range} B_sorted = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_sorted} B_list = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_list} B_dict = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_dict} B_tuple = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_tuple} B_bool = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_bool} B_type = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_type} B_byt = &PFunc1{Fn: B_1_byt} B_len.Self = B_len B_repr.Self = B_repr B_str.Self = B_str B_int.Self = B_int B_float.Self = B_float B_range.Self = B_range B_sorted.Self = B_sorted B_list.Self = B_list B_dict.Self = B_dict B_tuple.Self = B_tuple B_bool.Self = B_bool B_type.Self = B_type B_byt.Self = B_byt } type PFunc0 struct { PBase Fn func() P } func (p *PFunc0) Call0() P { return p.Fn() } type PFunc1 struct { PBase Fn func(a P) P } func (o *PFunc1) EQ(a P) bool { return (o == a.(*PFunc1)) } func (p *PFunc1) Call1(a1 P) P { return p.Fn(a1) } func GetItemMap(r R.Value, x P) P { k := AdaptForCall(x, r.Type().Key()) v := r.MapIndex(k) if !v.IsValid() { panic(F("Map key not found")) } return AdaptForReturn(v) } func DemoteInt64(x64 int64) int { x := int(x64) if int64(x) != x64 { panic(F("Cannot demote int64: %d vs %d", x64, x)) } return x } func SliceGetItem(r R.Value, x P) P { n := r.Len() k := DemoteInt64(x.Int()) if k < -n || n <= k { panic(F("Slice key out of range: %d, len = %d", k, n)) } if k < 0 { k += n } v := r.Index(k) if !v.IsValid() { panic(F("Map key not found")) } return AdaptForReturn(v) } func (o *PGo) Contents() interface{} { return o.V.Interface() } func (o *PGo) Bool() bool { r := o.V if SafeIsNil(r) { // Nil is false, as in Python. return false } r = MaybeDeref(r) switch r.Kind() { case R.Map, R.Slice, R.Array: // Zero length is false, as in Python. return r.Len() > 0 } return true } func (o *PGo) Len() int { r := MaybeDerefAll(o.V) switch r.Kind() { case R.Map, R.Slice, R.Array: return r.Len() } panic(F("Cannot get length of PGo type %t", o.V.Type())) } func (o *PGo) GetItem(x P) P { r := MaybeDerefAll(o.V) switch r.Kind() { case R.Map: return GetItemMap(r, x) case R.Slice, R.Array: return SliceGetItem(r, x) } panic(F("Cannot GetItem on PGo type %t", o.V.Type())) } func (o *PGo) GetItemSlice(a, b, c P) P { r := MaybeDerefAll(o.V) switch r.Kind() { case R.Slice, R.Array: // TODO -- fix this a2 := int(a.Int()) b2 := int(b.Int()) // c2 = int(c.Int()) z := r.Slice(a2, b2) return MkGo(z) } panic(F("Cannot GetItemSlice on PGo type %t", o.V.Type())) } func (g *PGo) Repr() string { return F("PGo.Repr{%#v}", g.V.Interface()) } func (g *PGo) String() string { // g0 := MaybeDeref(g.V) g0 := g.V i0 := g0.Interface() switch x := i0.(type) { case fmt.Stringer: return x.String() case []byte: return string(x) case int: return F("%d", x) case int64: return F("%d", x) case uint: return F("%d", x) case uint64: return F("%d", x) } switch g0.Kind() { case R.Array: switch g0.Type().Elem().Kind() { case R.Uint8: bb := make([]byte, g0.Len()) R.Copy(R.ValueOf(bb), g0) return string(bb) } } if g0.CanAddr() { g1 := g0.Addr() i1 := g1.Interface() switch x := i1.(type) { case fmt.Stringer: return x.String() } } return F("PGo{%#v}", i0) } var Int64Type = R.TypeOf(int64(0)) var IntType = R.TypeOf(int(0)) var PType = R.TypeOf(new(P)).Elem() func (o *PGo) Int() int64 { x := o.V t := x.Type() switch { case t.ConvertibleTo(Int64Type): return x.Convert(Int64Type).Int() case t.ConvertibleTo(IntType): return x.Convert(IntType).Int() } x = MaybeDeref(x) t = x.Type() switch { case t.ConvertibleTo(Int64Type): return x.Convert(Int64Type).Int() case t.ConvertibleTo(IntType): return x.Convert(IntType).Int() } panic(F("PGo cannot convert to int64: %s", o.Show())) } func InvokeMap(r R.Value, field string, aa []P) P { switch { case field == "keys" && len(aa) == 0: keys := r.MapKeys() pp := make([]P, len(keys)) for i, e := range keys { pp[i] = AdaptForReturn(e) } return MkList(pp) case field == "values" && len(aa) == 0: keys := r.MapKeys() pp := make([]P, len(keys)) for i, e := range keys { pp[i] = AdaptForReturn(r.MapIndex(e)) } return MkList(pp) case field == "items" && len(aa) == 0: keys := r.MapKeys() pp := make([]P, len(keys)) for i, e := range keys { pp[i] = MkTuple([]P{AdaptForReturn(e), AdaptForReturn(r.MapIndex(e))}) } return MkList(pp) case field == "get" && (len(aa) == 1 || len(aa) == 2): key := AdaptForCall(aa[0], r.Type().Key()) v := r.MapIndex(key) if v.IsValid() { return AdaptForReturn(v) } else { if len(aa) == 1 { return None } else { return aa[1] } } } panic(F("Method on Map Type %q does not exist: %s", r.Type(), field)) } func (g *PGo) Invoke(field string, aa ...P) P { // println(F("## Invoking Method %q On PGo type %T kind %v", field, g.V.Interface(), g.V.Kind())) r := g.V // println(F("TYPE1 %q", r.Type())) if meth, ok := r.Type().MethodByName(field); ok && meth.Func.IsValid() { return FinishInvokeOrCall(meth.Func, r, aa) } if r.Kind() == R.Map { return InvokeMap(r, field, aa) } r = MaybeDeref(r) // println(F("TYPE2 %q", r.Type())) if meth, ok := r.Type().MethodByName(field); ok && meth.Func.IsValid() { return FinishInvokeOrCall(meth.Func, r, aa) } if r.Kind() == R.Map { return InvokeMap(r, field, aa) } panic(F("Method on type %q does not exist: %s", g.V.Type(), field)) } func (g *PGo) CallV(a1 []P, a2 []P, kv1 []KV, kv2 map[string]P) P { if len(kv1) > 0 || len(kv2) > 0 { panic("Cannot call GO with named (keyword) parameters.") } if a2 == nil { return g.Call(a1...) } if a1 == nil { return g.Call(a2...) } var aa []P aa = append(aa, a1...) aa = append(aa, a2...) return g.Call(aa...) } func (g *PGo) Call(aa ...P) P { f := MaybeDeref(g.V) if f.Kind() != R.Func { z, ok := FunCallN(f, aa) if !ok { Bad("cannot Call when Value not a func and FunCallN fails", f) } return z } var zeroValue R.Value return FinishInvokeOrCall(f, zeroValue, aa) } // TODO -- make List() the primary, instead of Iter() func (g *PGo) List() []P { return g.Iter().(*PListIter).PP } func (g *PGo) Iter() Nexter { a := MaybeDeref(g.V) var pp []P switch a.Kind() { case R.Array, R.Slice: n := a.Len() pp = make([]P, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { pp[i] = AdaptForReturn(a.Index(i)) } case R.Map: keys := a.MapKeys() pp = make([]P, len(keys)) for i, e := range keys { pp[i] = AdaptForReturn(e) } default: Bad("*PGo cannot Iter() on kind %s", a.Kind()) } z := &PListIter{PP: pp} z.Self = z return z } func (g *PGo) SetItem(i P, x P) { a := MaybeDeref(g.V) switch a.Kind() { case R.Array, R.Slice: i2 := int(i.Int()) x2 := AdaptForCall(x, a.Type().Elem()) a.Index(i2).Set(x2) case R.Map: i2 := R.ValueOf(i.String()) x2 := AdaptForCall(x, a.Type().Elem()) a.SetMapIndex(i2, x2) default: Bad("*PGo cannot Iter() on kind %s", a.Kind()) } } var errorType = R.TypeOf(new(error)).Elem() func FinishInvokeOrCall(f R.Value, rcvr R.Value, aa []P) P { hasRcvr := rcvr.IsValid() lenRcvr := 0 if hasRcvr { lenRcvr = 1 } lenArgs := len(aa) lenIns := lenRcvr + lenArgs ft := f.Type() numIn := ft.NumIn() args := make([]R.Value, lenIns) if ft.IsVariadic() { if lenIns < numIn-1 { Bad("call got %d args, want %d or more args", lenIns, numIn-1) } args[0] = rcvr for i, a := range aa { var desiredType R.Type if i >= numIn-1 { desiredType = ft.In(numIn - 1).Elem() } else { desiredType = ft.In(i) } args[i+lenRcvr] = AdaptForCall(a, desiredType) } } else { if lenIns != numIn { Bad("call got %d args, want %d args", lenIns, numIn) } if lenIns > 0 { args[0] = rcvr } for i, a := range aa { args[i+lenRcvr] = AdaptForCall(a, ft.In(i+lenRcvr)) } } //@ println(F("##")) //@ for k, v := range aa { //@ println(F("##Arg %d was %q", k, v.Show())) //@ } //@ println(F("##")) //@ for k, v := range args { //@ println(F("##Arg %d is %#v", k, v.Interface())) //@ } //@ println(F("## CALLING %#v", f.Interface())) outs := f.Call(args) //@ for k, v := range outs { //@ println(F("##Result %d is %#v", k, v.Interface())) //@ } //@ println(F("##")) numOut := ft.NumOut() if numOut > 0 && ft.Out(numOut-1) == errorType { // Check for error. if !outs[numOut-1].IsNil() { // Panic the error. panic(outs[numOut-1].Interface()) } // Forget the nil error. numOut-- } switch numOut { case 0: return None case 1: return AdaptForReturn(outs[0]) default: slice := make([]P, numOut) for i := 0; i < numOut; i++ { slice[i] = AdaptForReturn(outs[i]) } return MkTuple(slice) } } var typeInterfaceEmpty = R.TypeOf(new(interface{})).Elem() func GoDeref(p P) P { switch x := p.(type) { case *PGo: switch x.V.Kind() { case R.Ptr: return MkValue(x.V.Elem()) } panic(F("Cannot goderef non-pointer: %s", x.V.Kind())) } panic(F("Cannot goderef non-*Go value: %T", p)) } func GoCast(want P, p P) P { typ := want.Contents().(R.Type) return MkValue(AdaptForCall(p, typ)) } func AdaptForCall(v P, want R.Type) R.Value { if DebugAdapt > 0 { Say("AdaptForCall <<<<<<", v, want, F("%#v", v)) } z := adaptForCall2(v, want) if DebugAdapt > 0 { Say("AdaptForCall >>>>>>", z) } return z } func adaptForCall2(v P, want R.Type) R.Value { // None & nil. switch want.Kind() { case R.Chan, R.Func, R.Interface, R.Map, R.Ptr, R.Slice: if v.Contents() == nil { if DebugAdapt > 0 { Say("AdaptForCall :::::: R.Zero") } return R.Zero(want) } } // Try builtin conversion: contents := v.Contents() vcontents := R.ValueOf(contents) tcontents := vcontents.Type() if tcontents.ConvertibleTo(want) { if DebugAdapt > 0 { Say("AdaptForCall :::::: vcontents.Convert") } return vcontents.Convert(want) } switch want.Kind() { case R.Uint8: return R.ValueOf(uint8(v.Int())) case R.Uint16: return R.ValueOf(uint16(v.Int())) case R.Uint32: return R.ValueOf(uint32(v.Int())) case R.Uint64: return R.ValueOf(uint64(v.Int())) case R.Int: return R.ValueOf(int(v.Int())) case R.Int8: return R.ValueOf(int8(v.Int())) case R.Int16: return R.ValueOf(int16(v.Int())) case R.Int32: return R.ValueOf(int32(v.Int())) case R.Int64: return R.ValueOf(v.Int()) case R.String: return R.ValueOf(v.String()) case R.Func: return MakeFunction(v, want) // This is hard. case R.Slice: switch want.Elem().Kind() { case R.Uint8: switch vx := v.(type) { case *PStr: bb := make([]byte, v.Len()) copy(bb, v.String()) return R.ValueOf(bb) case *PByt: return R.ValueOf(vx.YY) } // panic(F("AdaptForCall: Cannot convert %T to []byte", v)) } // For the "in" case. TODO: "in out"? if tcontents.Kind() == R.Slice { n := vcontents.Len() sl := R.MakeSlice(want, n, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { v1 := vcontents.Index(i) var v2 R.Value if vp, ok := v1.Interface().(P); ok { v2 = AdaptForCall(vp, want.Elem()) } else { v2 = AdaptForCall(MkValue(v1), want.Elem()) } sl.Index(i).Set(v2) } return sl } case R.Map: // For the "in" case. TODO: "in out"? if tcontents.Kind() == R.Map { m := R.MakeMap(want) for _, k := range vcontents.MapKeys() { k2 := AdaptForCall(MkValue(k), want.Key()) v1 := vcontents.MapIndex(k) // Broken? //if want.Elem() == PType { // v1 = R.ValueOf(v1.Interface().(P).Contents()) //} var v2 R.Value if vp, ok := v1.Interface().(P); ok { // v1 = R.ValueOf(vp.Contents()) // Say("Converted inner P", vp, v1) v2 = AdaptForCall(vp, want.Elem()) } else { v2 = AdaptForCall(MkValue(v1), want.Elem()) } m.SetMapIndex(k2, v2) } return m } } if DebugAdapt > 0 { Say("AdaptForCall :::::: Not Case") } if want == typeInterfaceEmpty { if DebugAdapt > 0 { Say("AdaptForCall :::::: Interface Empty") } return R.ValueOf(v.Contents()) } if DebugAdapt > 0 { Say("AdaptForCall :::::: Panic.") } panic(F("Cannot AdaptForCall: %s [%s] %q [%s] TO %s [%s]", v, R.TypeOf(v), v.Repr(), R.TypeOf(v.Contents()), want, want.Kind())) } func MakeFunction(v P, ft R.Type) R.Value { nin := ft.NumIn() if nin > 3 { panic(F("Not implemented: MakeFunction for %d args", nin)) } return R.MakeFunc(ft, func(aa []R.Value) (zz []R.Value) { var r P switch nin { case 0: r = v.(i_0).Call0() case 1: r = v.(i_1).Call1(AdaptForReturn(aa[0])) case 2: r = v.(i_2).Call2(AdaptForReturn(aa[0]), AdaptForReturn(aa[1])) case 3: r = v.(i_3).Call3(AdaptForReturn(aa[0]), AdaptForReturn(aa[1]), AdaptForReturn(aa[2])) default: panic(F("Not implemented: MakeFunction for %d args", nin)) } // TODO: final error case. nout := ft.NumOut() switch nout { case 0: // pass case 1: zz = append(zz, AdaptForCall(r, ft.Out(0))) default: zz = make([]R.Value, nout) for i := 0; i < nout; i++ { zz[i] = AdaptForCall(r.GetItem(Mkint(i)), ft.Out(i)) } } return }) } func AdaptForReturn(v R.Value) P { if !v.IsValid() { panic("Invalid Value in AdaptForReturn") } switch v.Kind() { case R.Chan, R.Func, R.Interface, R.Map, R.Ptr, R.Slice: if v.IsNil() { return None } } switch v.Kind() { case R.String: return MkStr(v.String()) case R.Int: return MkInt(v.Int()) case R.Int8: return MkInt(v.Int()) case R.Int16: return MkInt(v.Int()) case R.Int32: return MkInt(v.Int()) case R.Int64: return MkInt(v.Int()) case R.Uint8: return MkInt(int64(v.Uint())) case R.Uint16: return MkInt(int64(v.Uint())) case R.Uint32: return MkInt(int64(v.Uint())) case R.Float32: return MkFloat(v.Float()) case R.Float64: return MkFloat(v.Float()) case R.Bool: if v.Bool() { return True } return False case R.Slice: switch v.Type().Elem().Kind() { case R.Uint8: return MkByt(v.Convert(ByteSliceType).Interface().([]byte)) // return MkByt(v.Interface().([]byte)) } case R.Array: n := v.Len() switch v.Type().Elem().Kind() { case R.Uint8: bb := make([]byte, n) R.Copy(R.ValueOf(bb), v) return MkByt(bb) // return MkByt(v.Slice(0, n).Interface().([]byte)) } } if p, ok := v.Interface().(P); ok { return p } return MkValue(v) } func (g *PGo) Field(field string) P { t := g.V for t.Kind() == R.Ptr || t.Kind() == R.Interface { t = t.Elem() } if t.Kind() != R.Struct { Bad("cannot Field when Value not a struct", t) } z := t.FieldByName(field) if !z.IsValid() { Bad("field not found", t, field) } return MkGo(z) } var Classes map[string]R.Type func init() { Classes = make(map[string]R.Type) } func init() { var tmp P = new(PBase) // Demonstrate these things implement P. tmp = new(PInt) tmp = new(PFloat) tmp = new(PList) tmp = new(PDict) tmp = new(C_object) _ = tmp } type i_0 interface { Call0() P } type i_1 interface { Call1(P) P } type i_2 interface { Call2(P, P) P } type i_3 interface { Call3(P, P, P) P } type i_4 interface { Call4(P, P, P, P) P } func FunCallN(f R.Value, aa []P) (P, bool) { switch len(aa) { case 0: if c, ok := f.Interface().(i_0); ok { return c.Call0(), true } case 1: if c, ok := f.Interface().(i_1); ok { return c.Call1(aa[0]), true } case 2: if c, ok := f.Interface().(i_2); ok { return c.Call2(aa[0], aa[1]), true } case 3: if c, ok := f.Interface().(i_3); ok { return c.Call3(aa[0], aa[1], aa[2]), true } case 4: if c, ok := f.Interface().(i_4); ok { return c.Call4(aa[0], aa[1], aa[2], aa[3]), true } // TODO: Fall back to reflection. } return None, false } func GoElemType(pointedTo interface{}) P { return MkGo(R.TypeOf(pointedTo).Elem()) } const ( RypNone = (17 + iota) << 3 RypTrue RypFalse RypInt RypFloat RypStr RypByt RypTuple RypList RypDict RypSet RypClass RypGob ) const RypMask = 31 << 3 func RypLegend() { /* Say("RypNone", RypNone) Say("RypTrue", RypTrue) Say("RypFalse", RypFalse) Say("RypInt", RypInt) Say("RypFloat", RypFloat) Say("RypStr", RypStr) Say("RypByt", RypByt) Say("RypTuple", RypTuple) Say("RypList", RypList) Say("RypDict", RypDict) Say("RypSet", RypSet) Say("RypClass", RypClass) Say("RypGob", RypGob) */ } func RypIntLenMinus1(x int64) int { u := uint64(x) z := 0 if u == 0 { return 0 } for u != 0 { u >>= 8 z++ } return z - 1 } func RypWriteInt(b *bytes.Buffer, x int64) { u := uint64(x) if u == 0 { b.WriteByte(0) return } for u != 0 { b.WriteByte(byte(u & 255)) u >>= 8 } } func RypReadInt(b *bytes.Buffer, n int) int64 { n++ // I was "minus 1"; now it will be accurate. var u uint64 var shift uint for i := 0; i < n; i++ { a, err := b.ReadByte() if err != nil { panic(err) } u |= (uint64(a) << shift) shift += 8 } //Say("RypReadInt", int64(u)) return int64(u) } func RypWriteLabel(b *bytes.Buffer, s string) { n := len(s) if n > 255 { panic("RypWriteLabel: Cannot write label longer than 255 bytes") } b.WriteByte(byte(n & 255)) b.WriteString(s) } func RypReadLabel(b *bytes.Buffer) string { n, err := b.ReadByte() if err != nil { panic(err) } bb := b.Next(int(n)) if len(bb) != int(n) { panic("bytes.Buffer.Next: Short read") } //Say("RypReadLabel", string(bb)) return string(bb) } func UnPickle(s string) P { //@ Say("UNPICKLE", len(s)) RypLegend() return RypUnPickle(bytes.NewBufferString(s)) } func RypUnPickle(b *bytes.Buffer) P { tag, err := b.ReadByte() if err != nil { panic(err) } kind := int(tag & RypMask) arg := int(tag & 7) //Say("RypUnPickle tag, kind, arg, n", tag, kind, arg, b.Len()) switch kind { case RypNone: return None case RypTrue: return True case RypFalse: return False case RypInt: return MkInt(RypReadInt(b, arg)) case RypFloat: return MkFloat(math.Float64frombits(uint64(RypReadInt(b, arg)))) case RypStr: n := int(RypReadInt(b, arg)) bb := b.Next(n) if len(bb) != n { panic(F("bytes.Buffer.Next: Short read, got %d, wanted %d", len(bb), n)) } return MkStr(string(bb[:])) case RypByt: n := int(RypReadInt(b, arg)) bb := b.Next(n) if len(bb) != n { panic("bytes.Buffer.Next: Short read") } return MkByt(bb) case RypTuple: n := int(RypReadInt(b, arg)) pp := make([]P, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { pp[i] = RypUnPickle(b) } return MkTuple(pp) case RypList: n := int(RypReadInt(b, arg)) pp := make([]P, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { pp[i] = RypUnPickle(b) } return MkList(pp) case RypDict: n := int(RypReadInt(b, arg)) ppp := make(Scope) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { k := RypUnPickle(b) v := RypUnPickle(b) ppp[k.String()] = v } return MkDict(ppp) case RypClass: cname := RypReadLabel(b) cls, ok := Classes[cname] if !ok { panic(F("Class not found in Classes: %q", cname)) } obj := R.New(cls) cobj := obj.Convert(R.TypeOf(VarOfStarP).Elem()).Interface().(P) cobj.SetSelf(obj.Interface().(P)) for { fname := RypReadLabel(b) if len(fname) == 0 { break } x := RypUnPickle(b) RypSetField(obj.Elem(), fname, x) } return cobj } panic(F("Bad tag: %d", tag)) } var VarOfStarP *P func RypSetField(obj R.Value, fname string, x P) { t := obj.Type() nf := t.NumField() for i := 0; i < nf; i++ { f := t.Field(i) if f.Anonymous { if f.Type != PBaseType { RypSetField(obj.Field(i), fname, x) } } else { if f.Name == fname { obj.Field(i).Set(R.ValueOf(x)) } } } } func HexDecode(a []byte) []byte { var z []byte _, err := hex.Decode(a, z) if err != nil { panic(err) } return z } func SafeIsNil(v R.Value) bool { switch v.Kind() { case R.Chan, R.Func, R.Interface, R.Map, R.Ptr, R.Slice: return v.IsNil() } return false } func PrintStack(e interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n") Say("PrintStack:", e) debug.PrintStack() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n") } func FetchFieldByName(v R.Value, field string) P { // First try for method: meth := v.MethodByName(field) if meth.IsValid() { return MkValue(meth) } // Then try for field: v1 := MaybeDerefAll(v) v2 := MaybeDerefAll(v1) if v2.Kind() != R.Struct { panic(F("FetchFieldByName: Cannot get field %q from non-Struct %#v", field, v2)) } x := v2.FieldByName(field) if !x.IsValid() { panic(F("FetchFieldByName: No such field %q on %T %#v", field, v2.Interface(), v2)) } return AdaptForReturn(x) } func StoreFieldByName(v R.Value, field string, a P) { v = MaybeDeref(v) // Once for interface v = MaybeDeref(v) // Once for pointer if v.Kind() == R.Struct { vf := v.FieldByName(field) if vf.IsValid() { va := AdaptForCall(a, vf.Type()) vf.Set(va) return } panic(F("StoreFieldByName: No such field %q on %T %#v", field, v.Interface(), v)) } panic(F("StoreFieldByName: Cannot set field %q on non-Struct %#v", field, v)) } func Sez(args ...interface{}) { Say(args...) } func GoReify(a P) P { switch t := a.(type) { case *PGo: v := t.V switch v.Kind() { case R.String: return MkStr(v.String()) case R.Int: return MkInt(v.Int()) case R.Int64: return MkInt(v.Int()) case R.Float64: return MkFloat(v.Float()) case R.Float32: return MkFloat(v.Float()) } p, ok := v.Interface().(P) if ok { return p } panic(F("Cannot GoReify value of inner type %T", v.Interface())) } panic(F("Cannot GoReify P of type %T", a)) } type PCallSpec struct { PBase Name string Args []string Defaults []P Star string StarStar string } func (o *PCallSpec) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("", o.Name) } func (o *PCallSpec) Repr() string { return fmt.Sprintf(o.Name) } type KV struct { Key string Value P } func SpecCall(cs *PCallSpec, a1 []P, a2 []P, kv []KV, kv2 map[string]P) ([]P, *PList, *PDict) { n := len(cs.Defaults) argv := make([]P, n) star := make([]P, 0) starstar := make(map[string]P) //@ Say("### CCCCCC <<<", a1, a2, kv, kv2) j := 0 for a1 != nil { for _, a := range a1 { if j < n { argv[j] = a j++ } else { star = append(star, a) } } a1 = a2 a2 = nil } for _, e := range kv { k := e.Key v := e.Value stored := false for ni, ne := range cs.Args { // O(n^2), probably not a problem. if k == ne { argv[ni] = v stored = true break } } if !stored { starstar[k] = v } } for k, v := range kv2 { stored := false for ni, ne := range cs.Args { // O(n^2), probably not a problem. if k == ne { argv[ni] = v stored = true break } } if !stored { starstar[k] = v } } for i, e := range argv { if e == nil { panic(F("The %dth fixed argument has no assigned value", i)) } } if cs.Star == "" && len(star) > 0 { panic(F("Function %q wants %d args, but got %d (no * arg)", cs.Name, len(cs.Args), len(cs.Args)+len(star))) } if cs.StarStar == "" && len(starstar) > 0 { panic(F("Function %q cannot take %d extra named args", cs.Name, len(starstar))) } //@ Say("### CCCCCC >>>", argv, star, starstar) return argv, MkList(star), MkDict(starstar) } type ICallV interface { CallV(a1 []P, a2 []P, kv1 []KV, kv2 map[string]P) P }