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Teško ide edan vojak

Scraped from the Internet Archive. I don't find any other copy of this on the web, so I've saved it, plus some info about the author of the article.

( Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. )


In Relation to Petrovo Selo: Blog

Articles and stories that are associated with the Hungarian-Croatian village of Szentpéterfa (Petrovo Selo).

SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2011

Teško ide edan vojak

by Steve Geosits

Ferencz Teklits (1895-1918?) served in the Hungarian military during World War I and died during one of the battles against the Russian forces. After his death, Petroviščan school principal János Németh wrote this Hrvatski song in remembrance of him and his "divojka", Anna Harangozó. This song became popular in the village and was sung for many years after the war. Eventually, the origins of the song were forgotten and it simply became a tribute for all Petroviščan who died in the war.

Ferencz Teklits (1895-1918?) je služil u vugarskoj vojski u parvon boju i umadl je kad se bojeval suprot Rusov. Po njegovoj smrt János Németh, ravnatelj petroviske škole je napisal ovu hrvatsku pjesmu na spominak za njega i njegove divojke, Ane Harangozó. Ova pjesma je postala popularna u selu i su ju jačili lita dugo po boju. Konačno su zabili podrijetlo ove pjesme i jednostavno je postala priznanje za sve Petroviščane koji su upali u boju.

§ § §

Teško ide edan vojak iz Pinčene drage,
S teškim srcem je ostavil edno malo stanje.
Mislil si je da če lafko projt u zatu hižu,
Va obloki tako lipi muškatljini cvatu.

It's tough going for one soldier from the Pinka Valley.
With a broken heart he leaves behind one small house.
He thought it would be easy for him to go past that house
Where on the window, beautiful geraniums bloomed.

Nek sad vidi kakoj teška ova misal njemu,
Da ju mora ostaviti ter mu suze curu.
Suze curu, vruče suze, ču li te več vidit?
Ar znan nigdar moje noge ov put ne te mirit.

But now he sees how hard it is for him to think about it,
That he must leave, and his tears flow.
His tears flow, hot tears. Will I see you again,
Or will my feet never measure this street again?

Ide vojak na granicu domovinu branit,
Iskrena očima veli „Dobit ali umrit!”
Garmi, Å¡umi sve se trese naranjene nosu.
Rusi viču „Dobili smo!” na sve kraje viču.

The soldier goes to the border and watches over his homeland,
With sincere eyes he says, “Win or die!”
Thunder rumbling, everything is shaking, wounded are carried.
Russians cry out, “We win!” from all over they shout.

Kopa se diboka jama med trimi jelvami,
Da bih vase prijela tijela ka se vanju nosu.
Nosu ednoga vojaka Bože odakle je?
Gledaju ga, tužno velu „iz Pinčene drage.”

They dig a deep ditch between three pine trees
That would take the body they were carrying.
They carry one soldier and wonder from where he comes.
They look at him and sadly say, "from the Pinka Valley."

Dal si žitak za svoj orsag edan Petroviščan,
Mirno leži ednom lušku, če li bit poiskan?
Garmi, Å¡umi sve se trese Å¡tuki dalje marnju,
Samo vtrič je potišal da mu sanj ne tlači.

He gave his life for his country, one Petroviščan,
Quietly lying in a wooded area. Will he be searched for?
Thunder rumbling, everything is shaking, machine guns still groan.
Only  the wind slowed down so his dream wouldn't be disturbed.

Edna divojka se plače u Pinčenoj dragi,
Pismo je dobila dar pred trimi dani.
Vinac splete s lipi rožic onomu vojaku,
Kogaj srce do zadnjega vik tucalo za nju.

One girl cries in the Pinka Valley.
She received a letter three days before.
She makes a wreath of beautiful roses for one soldier,
Whose heart to the end always beat for her.

 -- napisal János Németh

§ § §

Thanks to Klotilda (Jurasits) Geosits for the lyrics and melody of this old composition, Viktória Merőtei for assistance with translations, and István Henits for the church photograph.

An audio recording of the poem sung by Klotilda Jurasits can be found at this link: http://www.szentpeterfa.org/showmedia.php?mediaID=5114

Zahfalim Klotildi (Jurasits) Geosits za tekst i melodiju ovoga staroga sastava, Viktoriji Merőtei da je pomogla s prijepisom i prijevodom, i Istvánu Henits za fotografiju.

Audio snimanje ove pjesme u prezentaciji Klotilde Jurasits more se najt na ovom linku: http://www.szentpeterfa.org/showmedia.php?mediaID=5114

Creative Commons License

Tesko ide edan vojak by Steve Geosits is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

About Steve Geosits:

( copied from http://www.szentpeterfa.hu/a-szentpeterfaert-dij-2016-steve-geosits.html )

Skrapitsné Jurasits Ágnes beszéde ( Speech by Ágnes Skrapitsné Jurasits )

A Szentpéterfaiak már megszokhatták, a hogy Szentpéterfa Községi Önkormányzat évről évre kitüntetésben részesíti azokat, akik a közösségért végzett munkában kiemelkedőt alkottak. A díjat 2012-ben hoztuk lére és eddig 8 személynek adományoztuk. Ugyan még jó néhány kitüntetés várat magára, igyekszünk ezeket a kitüntetettekhez kapcsolódó, méltó rendezvény keretén belül átadni. Nem idegen tőlünk, a nem községünkben élő Szentpéterfai kötődésű, Szentpéterfáért kiemelkedőt alkotók elismerése sem.

Ez történik a mai napon is.

Szentpéterfa Községi Önkormányzat 2016. szeptember 25-én a „Szentpéterfáért” kitüntetésben részesíti Steve Geositsot.

Steve Geosits, Geosits János (Hanzijov) és Jurasits Klotilda (Jurmeštrova) fia, Szombathelyen született 1956-ban. Öt hónappal születése után szülei vele és két bátyjával elmenekültek az osztrák határon keresztül. Végül az Egyesült Államokban kötöttek ki, New York-ban. Steve biokémiai és informatikai egyetemi diplomával rendelkezik és jelenleg New York-ban él és dolgozik. Kollegájával 2006-ban hozta létre a családfakutatás weboldalát, ami genealógiai és történelmi kutatások céljából jött létre, Szentpéterfai gyökerekkel rendelkező családok számára. Az oldalon lévő 1934 előtti információk nagy része közvetlenül a Szentpéterfai Római Katolikus Templom nyilvántartási adataiból, valamint a Vas megyei Levéltár népszámlálási adataiból származnak. Jelenleg közel 20.000 személy nevét, 3800 családi profilt, 2600 fotót, 424 forráshivatkozást és egyebek mellett 334 interjút tartalmaz. A legrégebbi adat az 1600-as évekből való. Az oldalra bárki ingyen beléphet, és így többet megtudhat a saját és a falu történelméről. 2009-ben létrehozott egy Facebook csoportot, ezen keresztül a Szentpéterfaiak könnyen tarthatják a kapcsolatot, s megoszthatják egymással képeiket, kommentjeiket. Ennek a csoportnak jelenleg 1200 tagja van a világ minden tájáról.

„Fontos számomra, hogy az információkat a felmenőinkről, és a péterfai kultúránkról dokumentáljuk és megőrizzük a jövő generációi számára, illetve ápoljuk péterfai identitásunkat, tekintet nélkül arra, hogy a világ mely részén élünk.” Ezt a hitvallást olvashatjuk Steve internetes oldalán. Kedves Steve! Egyértelmű számunkra, hogy számtalan időt fordítottál kutatómunkádra, annak rögzítésére. Szívből köszönjük áldozatos munkádat, kívánunk jó erőt, egészséget, és további lelkesedést munkád folytatásához!

(translation: Anikó Wágner)

Here in Szentpeterfa we all know that each year our Municipality donates an award to a special person as a recognition given in honour of an outstanding achievement done for the community. The prize was established in 2012 and eight people have been awarded so far. There are many more who deserve it and we always try to create a worthy event to hand it. We are also happy to recognise people connected to Szentpeterfa but living in a far distance for their achievement done for our village. This is what we are celebrating today, on 25 September 2016. We are proud to announce, that the "Szentpéterfáért" Award funded by the Municipality of Szentpeterfa is given to Steve Geosits.

Steve Geosits, the son of John Geosits (Hanzijov) and Klotilda Jurasits (Jumeštrova), was born in Szombathely in 1956. Five months later his parents fled across the Austrian border with him and his two older brothers. Finally, they ended up in New York, in the United States. Steve has a university degree in Biochemistry and Information Technology and currently lives and works in New York. In 2006, together with one of his colleagues, he created a family tree research website, to investigate the genealogical and historical origin of families from Szentpeterfa. Most of the information before 1934 on this website come directly from the registration of the Roman Catholic Church of Szentpeterfa and the census data of the Archives of Vas County. At present, it contains nearly 20,000 names of persons, 3800 family-profiles, 2600 photos, 424 source references as well as 334 interviews and much more. The oldest data comes from the 1600's. The website can be visited by anyone for free and thus learn more about the history of their family and our village. In 2009 he set up a Facebook group to enable those coming from Szentpeterfa to keep contact and share news, photos and comments. This group currently has 1200 members from all over the world.

"It's important to me that the information about our ancestors and culture of Szentpeterfa is documented and preserved for future generations and we cherish our identity, regardless of which part of the world we live." We can read this testimony on Steve’s website.

Dear Steve,

we all know that you must have spent countless hours on your research. We sincerely thank you for your devoted and honoured work, and wish you health and enthusiasm to proceed with it!

(prijevod: Andrija Handler)

Općina Petrovoga Sela 25. septembera 2016. lita odlikovanje „Za Petrovo Selo“ daje Steve-u Geošiću.

Steve Geošić, sin Janoša Geošića (Hanzijov) i Klotilde Jurašić (Jurmeštrova) se narodil 1956. lita u Sambotelu. Pet misce po njegovom rođenju starina su s njim i s njegovimi brati pobignuli prik esterajske granice. Novi dom su si našli u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, u New Yorku. Steve je na univerzitetu diplomiral iz biokemije i informatike, i danas u New Yorku živi i dila. 2006. lita su skupa s kolegom ganuli web stranicu za istraživanje obiteljskih stablov, koja u prvom redu služi familijam s petroviskimi korenimi da bolje upoznaju svoju prošlost i geneologiju. Informacije na stranici iz lita pred 1934. su s vekšega direktno zamete iz matičnih knjiga Petroviske rimokatoličke fare i iz datoteke Arhiva Željezne županije. Tenutno sadrži blizu 20.000 imenov, 3800 familijskih profilov, 2600 fotografijov, 424 poveznicov na izvore, i polag toga 334 intervjuvov. Najstariji podatak je iz 1600-ih lit. Na stranicu se moru svi besplatno registrirat, i prik nje se čuda što naučit o svojoj i o selskoj hištoriji.

2009. lita je ganul grupu na Facebooku, prik koje si Petrovišćani lafko držu kontakte, moru si podilit edan s drugim kipice, svoje komentare. Grupa danas ima 1200 kotrigov iz ciloga svita. „Za mene je važno to, da informacije o našim pretcima i o petroviskoj kulturi dokumentiramo i sačuvamo za buduće generacije, da živi i dalje u nami naš petroviski identitet, ne gledajuć na to, da u kojem kraju svita živimo.” Ov moto moremo štat na Steve-a internetskoj stranici.

Dragi Steve!

Mi svi dobro znamo da koliko vrimena si potrošil na istraživanja i na zapisivanje. Od srca se zahvaljujemo na tvojem velikom poslu, željimo ti čuda moći, zdravlja i daljnju volju za nastavak rada!



Stephen Geosits [died] June 18, 2012

Stephen Geosits, 90 of Hellertown, died Monday, June 18, 2012 at Blough Healthcare Center, Bethlehem. He is the husband of the late Helen J. (Bartakovics) Geosits (died April 30, 1998).

He was born in Szentpeterfa, Hungary on February 14, 1922 to the late Ference Geosits and Rozalia Geosits. Stephen worked for the former Frank J. Kovacs, General Contractor, Bethlehem as a master carpenter for many years until retiring. He was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Bethlehem.

Survivors: Siblings: Louis of Allentown, Maria wife of Laszlo Remenyi of Hellertown, Johanna Novak and Paula Jurasits both in Hungary, Anna Kerese of New Brunswick, NJ; Nieces and Nephews. Predeceased by brothers: Adolf, Mate, Florian, and a sister Paula

also, paywalled: https://www.mcall.com/1990/09/01/stephen-geosits/

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