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Folder Index: WebLog #535 Topic:
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
the missing 10 minutes of the azkaban movie
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
who the fuq is the half blood prince?
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
QA nightmare story #2
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
agile XP MO TDD
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
around the world, across the nation, and up your street...
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
the west wing and separate but equal
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
VS.NET is winking at me..
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
the linux experience 2 years later, and infoworld
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
knowledge is not wisdom and love is not music
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
QA nightmare story #1
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
linuxworld san francisco 2005
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
all linux projects should be using valgrind
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
HttpUnit issues with OpenRico
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Showtime's Masters of Horror
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Pair Programming is Radioactive
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Test-Driven Development from the Trenches
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
new job @ imeem
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
best software magazine I have read
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
on the road to NUnitAsp supporting JavaScript
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
xbox game reviews for 2005
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
what I need from a linux distro right now
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
a test suite for code analysis
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
subscribing to this blog via RSS
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
NUnitForms, continuous integration, and modal dialogs
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Google Summer of Code suggestions
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
making karaoke from your CDs, part 1
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
switching my linux distro
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
working with kubuntu
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
making a test list to drive features
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
investment in open source companies
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
nextgen consoles opinion: the PlayStation 3
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
How TDD related to Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
test list to unit tests to drive implementation
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Zappa Plays Zappa in Los Angeles
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
imeem job over, looking for new work
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
I Heart New York City
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
One-look TDD guides
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
getting a C# 2.0-compiled NUnit running under mono
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
I am the Slime
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
TDD parsing the x86 opcode mod R/M byte, part 1
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
The Stickiness of the Stack emulation
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
funding PCSX2 on the XBox
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
bugreport project to be released under GPLv3 at defcon
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
observations from re-re-re-re-reading Harry Potter Years 1 & 2
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Playing XBox games on XBox360
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Zune vs iPod, why I don't care
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
using the Refactoring book
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
quoted in an article on Mono (updated)
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
xbox game review: grabbed by the ghoulies
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
initial impression of findbugs
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
most browsers can't print web pages
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
finding buffer iteration bugs with google's new code search
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
album review: Weird Al Yankovic, "Straight Outta Lynwood"
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
simple tests with Gimpel's online PC-Lint analysis
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
album review: Duran Duran, "Astronaut"
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
narcissistic nerd archaeology, part 1
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
automated code analysis audience prep (updated)
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
refactoring with courage
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
poem: You Are Dreaming
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
more bug finding with google code search
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
concert review: Of Montreal at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
integrating QA and testing roles in eXtreme Programming, part 1
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
hex editing xbox games to upgrade their resolution to (at least) 480p
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
dear microsoft, please do better.
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
xbox game review: Obscure
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
updating my KUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy) to 7.04 (Feisty) beta
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
hybrid gas mileage revised
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
book review: Professional Rootkits
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
hardware review: Creative Labs X-Mod
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
PlayStation3 gets "upscaling"
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
javascript fun fact: "" == 0 == false
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
mysql fun fact: you don't need tolower(), and indexing slows substring criteria
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
C#/CLR question: does the readonly keyword help the JIT at all?
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
analyzing Ruby 1.9's bytecode
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
rant on java's generics
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
should you upgrade to JUnit 4.x?
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
usage of top.location can screw up Selenium tests
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
book review: Secure Programming with Static Analysis
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
2003 time capsule: clusterable, fault-injecting virtual machines
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
more iframe JsUnit testing suckage
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
javascript fun fact: sticking the wrong things into style properties will silently fail (almost)
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
my xbox360 xmas wish
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
my book is out!
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
what programming language are you?
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
what I'm watching on TV
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
thoughts on the November 2007 xbox360 backward compatibility update
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
tech predictions for 2008
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
HOWTO: skype 2.0 under kubuntu with an HP pavilion web cam
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
oh, it's moving..
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
xbox game reviews for 2007
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
bypassing the visual studio 2003 upgrade check
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
using Visual Studio 2003 SP1 with the XDK
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
a standard set of refactoring steps for C and C++
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
Matt's Bargain Basement Summer Of Code
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
recent drops in DishHD audio and video quality
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
heads up for potential XBox 360 buyers
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
gotchas with ubuntu hardy release candidate
WebLog `pretention' Topic:
attempts to rip/watch bluray movies in ubuntu hardy
(last modified 2025-03-01) [