If you are on a slow connection, the fastest way to view these images is to click on "XS" below. This will display all the thumbnails in "eXtra Small" mode.
For a list of other famous unsolved codes, please check: http://www.elonka.com/UnsolvedCodes.html
(Elonka) This is a thumbnail page from the images scanned by T. Takahashi that are available at: http://voynich.no-ip.com/folios/ . Much thanks to him for scanning these, cleaning up the images, and (very important) obtaining permission from the Beinecke to post them for public consumption.
(Elonka) Color images of a few of the Voynich pages are also available here: http://www.voynichinfo.com/ and other images can be found here: http://highway49.library.yale.edu/photonegatives/ (search on Voynich)
(Virgil) Hi, this is interesting....I think.
http://www.crystalinks.com/voynich.html ....strick thinks so too
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