Object subclass: #BaseWorld
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: 'OpenGLConstants'
	category: 'HedgeHacks-BFD'!
!BaseWorld commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
Base world constructor with a few utility methods.!

WisconsinWorld subclass: #GridWorld
	instanceVariableNames: 'parcels gridPortals gridConfig'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Grid-Croquet'!
!GridWorld commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
GridWorld presents a "foyer" with portals to each of the GridParcelSpaces in the grid.

GridWorld may not be necessary in the long run, or it may be useful to have a place for
configuration information about the grid.
BaseWorld subclass: #WisconsinWorld
	instanceVariableNames: 'floorOffset floor'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Wisconsin-Worlds'!

buildTerrain: textureName: uvScale: scale: space:

WisconsinWorld class {as yet unclassified}
buildTerrain: terrain textureName: fileName uvScale: uvScale scale: scale space: space | texture | texture := TTexture new initializeWithFileName: fileName mipmap: true shrinkFit: false. texture uvScale: uvScale. terrain genGrid. terrain buildMeshWithTexture: texture. terrain boundsDepth: 2. terrain initBounds. terrain scale: scale. ^TTerrainQuadTree new initializeWithSpace: space frame: terrain.


GridWorld {as yet unclassified}
createAxes: space space addChild: TFrame new. space addChild: (TFrame new translation: gridConfig parcelRadius @ gridConfig parcelRadius @ 0; yourself).


GridWorld {initialize}
gridConfig ^ gridConfig! !


GridWorld {initialize}
gridScale ^ gridConfig gridScale! !


GridWorld {as yet unclassified}
initialize | space sky flr | "CONFIGRUABLE CONSTANTS" gridConfig := GridConfig new xSize: 5 ySize: 5 parcelRadius: 50 gridScale: 5. "space" gridPortals := Dictionary new. space := TSpace new. space registerGlobal: #mainEntry. "light" self makeLight: space. "floor -- must be local flr, not inst var floor, because Wisc wants to send #contents to floor" flr := self makeFloor: space fileName: 'lawn.bmp'. flr extentX: 100 y:0.5 z: 100. "sky" sky := TSkyBox new initializeWithFileName: 'GRS'. sky step. "get going" space addChild: sky. "toys" self createAxes: space. "parcels" self initializeParcels: space. self linkParcels. ^ space! !
WisconsinWorld {initialize}
initialize | space sky | Processor activeIsland id: self class islandID. space := TSpace new. space registerGlobal: #mainEntry. self makeLight: space. floorOffset := 0.0. self initializeFloor: space. sky := KSkyBox new initializeWithFileName: 'GRS'. space addChild: sky. self initializeToys: space. sky stepInterval: 50. sky step. "get going" ^space.


GridWorld {initialize}
initializeCommonPortals: space | portal x | "--- TODO(strick) Move this to grid coordinates ---" x := 20. { WisconsinWorld. GridWorld. } do: [ :worldClass | self makeOnePortal: worldClass textureFileName: 'logo.png' scale: 2 position: x@5@-20 space: space. "-- TODO -- request that above method return the new portal --" portal := space frameChildren last. "-- assuming it is the last --" portal objectName: 'Portal_to_', worldClass name. x := x + 20. ].
WisconsinWorld {initialize}
initializeCommonPortals: space self makeOnePortal: WisconsinWorld textureFileName: 'logo.png' scale: 2 position: 0@0@-20 space: space.


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
initializeFloor: space "self makeFloor: space fileName:'lawn.BMP'." self initializeTerrain: space.! !


GridWorld {as yet unclassified}
initializeParcels: space | wheel spoke | parcels := Dictionary new. wheel := Color wheel: gridConfig xSize * gridConfig ySize. spoke := 1. 0 to: gridConfig xSize-1 do: [ :x | 0 to: gridConfig ySize-1 do: [ :y | | s p w | s := nil. s := GridParcelSpace new initializeWithMaster: self atGridCoordinate: x@y. s objectName: 'GridParcelSpace_', x asString, '_', y asString. self makeRingOfCubesInNewCoords: s things color: (wheel at: spoke). self createAxes: s things. s makeStuff. "like roads & houses & stuff" "-- make a portal in the Foyer World to enter each grid parcel --" w := self makePortal: 'lawn.bmp'. w objectName: 'Portal_into_', x asString, '_', y asString. p := w contents. p objectName: 'Postcard_into_', x asString, '_', y asString. p postcardLink: s postcard. w extent: 5@5. w translation: (10*x-17) @ 0 @ (0-10*y-15). space addChild: w. self initializeCommonPortals: s. self makeFloor: s fileName: 'lawn.bmp' radius: gridConfig parcelRadius * gridConfig gridScale. self makeLight: s. parcels at: x@y put: s. spoke := spoke+1. ] ] ! !


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
initializeTerrain: space floor := self class buildTerrain: (TFractalTerrain initializeSize: 32 smoothness: self terrainSmoothness heightScale: self terrainHeightScale randomSeed: self terrainSeed) textureName: self terrainTextureName uvScale: self terrainUVScale scale: 500 space: space. floorOffset := (floor contents heightAt: 0@0). floor translation: 0@(-3 - floorOffset)@0. floor addRotationAroundY: 0.4. "Avoid travelling in seams that we fall through." ^floor.! !


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
initializeToys: space self makeOnePortal: WisconsinNextWorld1 textureFileName: 'caust31.BMP' scale: 3 position: -25@0@-20 space: space. self makeOnePortal: ForensicsWorld textureFileName: 'graph128.bmp' scale: 2 position: -15@0@-20 space: space. self makeOnePortal: UWIntroWorld textureFileName: 'GrnChplTwr.bmp' scale: 2 position: -5@0@-20 space: space. self makeOnePortal: QuiltersWorld textureFileName: 'checker.png' scale: 2 position: 5@0@-20 space: space. self makeOnePortal: CritiquetWorld textureFileName: 'default.bmp' scale: 4 position: 15@0@-20 space: space. self makeOnePortal: WisconsinNextWorld2 textureFileName: 'floor.bmp' scale: 2 position: 25@0@-20 space: space.


GridWorld class {as yet unclassified}
islandID ^TObjectID readHexFrom: '1f2f349874e53ebe785f681585111111'! ! 'From Croquet1.0beta of 11 April 2006 [latest update: #0] on 24 March 2007 at 5:39:34 pm'!
WisconsinWorld class {accessing}
islandID ^TObjectID readHexFrom: 'c2be09189969d56cc3073ec4d256cb6d'! !


GridWorld {as yet unclassified}
linkParcels | toCoord tg diam | 0 to: gridConfig xSize-1 do: [ :x | 0 to: gridConfig ySize-1 do: [ :y | | from to p | from := parcels at: x@y. self makeRedBlueLandmarksIn: from x: x y: y. "-- now the actual edge portals --" diam := gridConfig gridScale * 2 * gridConfig parcelRadius. 1 negated to: 1 do: [ :i | 1 negated to: 1 do: [ :j | (i~=0 or: [j~=0]) ifTrue: [ toCoord := (x+i+gridConfig xSize\\gridConfig xSize) @ (y+j+gridConfig ySize\\gridConfig ySize). to := parcels at: toCoord. p := GridPortal3D new. p extent: diam@diam. "strangely, TPortal3D>>extent: actually only uses the x value" p scale: 1.0 . "default was to shrink -- we dont want that" p postcardLink: to. tg := TGroup new. tg translation: (i*diam) @ 0 @ (j*diam)negated. "in croquet coords, not Grid's" tg addChild: p. from addChild: tg. ]]]. ]]

makeFloor: fileName:

BaseWorld {toys}
makeFloor: sp fileName: txtrName | stone txt mat | txt := TTexture new initializeWithFileName: txtrName mipmap: true shrinkFit: false. txt uvScale: 8.0@8.0. mat := TMaterial new. mat texture: txt. stone := TCube new. stone extentX:80 y:0.5 z: 80. stone translationX: 0 y: -6.0 z: 0.0. " stone texture: txt." stone material: mat. stone objectName: 'floor' copy. sp addChild: stone. ^ stone.

makeFloor: fileName: radius:

GridWorld {initialize}
makeFloor: sp fileName: txtrName radius: parcelRadius | stone txt mat | txt := TTexture new initializeWithFileName: txtrName mipmap: true shrinkFit: false. txt uvScale: 8.0@8.0. mat := TMaterial new. mat objectName: 'floorMaterial' copy. mat texture: txt. stone := TCube new. "-- Place the floor with top edge one centimeter below 0. --" stone extentX:parcelRadius*2 y:1.0 z: parcelRadius*2. stone translationX: 0 y: -0.51 z: 0.0. "<<< Older croquet standard: stone extentX:parcelRadius*2 y:0.5 z: parcelRadius*2. stone translationX: 0 y: -6.0 z: 0.0. >>>" " stone texture: txt." stone material: mat. stone objectName: 'floor' copy. sp addChild: stone. ^ stone.


BaseWorld {toys}
makeLight: sp | light tframe | light := TLight new. tframe := TSpinner new. tframe translationX: -10 y:0.0 z: 0.0. tframe rotationAroundZ: 120. "This is to avoid some odd lighting effects" tframe rotateBy: 1 around: 1@0@0. tframe matNil. tframe contents: light. sp addChild: tframe.! !
GridWorld {as yet unclassified}
makeLight: sp | light tframe | light := TLight new. tframe := TSpinner new. tframe translationX: -10 y:0.0 z: 0.0. tframe rotationAroundZ: 120. "This is to avoid some odd lighting effects" tframe rotateBy: 1 around: 1@0@0. tframe matNil. tframe contents: light. sp addChild: tframe.! !

makeMorphic: extent:

BaseWorld {toys}
makeMorphic: constructor extent: worldExtent | morphic txtr fakeSHA | fakeSHA := TFormManager generateSHA: (TObjectID for: 'SHA'). morphic := TMorphicForm new initialize: nil sha: fakeSHA form: (Form extent: 32@32 depth: 32) mipmap: false shrinkFit: true extension: nil. morphic bThumb: true. morphic constructor: constructor. morphic worldExtent: worldExtent. "@@@@ The following is VERY important since later we'll need the TMorphic's farRef but we cannot create it in render, so forcing it here is a must @@@@" morphic island asFarRef: morphic. txtr := TTextureHackForm new initializeWithTForm: morphic. txtr targetExtent: worldExtent. ^txtr! !

makeOnePortal: textureFileName: scale: position: space:

WisconsinWorld {initialize}
makeOnePortal: aClass textureFileName: aString scale: aNumber position: aVector space: space | portal | portal := self makePortal: aString. portal extent: portal extent * aNumber. portal contents postcardLink: (TPostcard new routerAddress: nil id: aClass islandID name: aClass name asString viewpointName: #mainEntry). self position: portal at: aVector. portal addRotationAroundY: 0.5. space addChild: portal.


BaseWorld {toys}
makePortal: textureName | p1 win pic | p1 := TPortal new. win := self makeWindow. win contents: p1. textureName ifNotNil:[ pic := TTexture new initializeWithFileName: textureName mipmap: true shrinkFit: false. win rectFront: pic. ]. win closeContents. win showOpenButton. ^win! !

makePortal: from: to:

GridWorld {as yet unclassified}
makePortal: aTextureName from: gridCoordinateFrom to: gridCoordinateTo | p | p := self makePortal: aTextureName. gridPortals at: {gridCoordinateFrom. gridCoordinateTo.} put: p. ^p.

makeRedBlueLandmarksIn: x: y:

GridWorld {initialize}
makeRedBlueLandmarksIn: space x: x y: y "-- make landmarks in parcel --" 0 to: x do: [ :i | | b | "red for x" b := TCube new. b colorize: Color red. b translation: -5 @ (1+i*1.5) @ -15. space addChild: b. ]. 0 to: y do: [ :i | | b | "blue for y" b := TCube new. b colorize: Color blue. b translation: -3 @ (1+i*1.5) @ -15. space addChild: b. ].

makeRingOfCubesInNewCoords: color:

GridWorld {as yet unclassified}
makeRingOfCubesInNewCoords: sp color: aColor | r | r := gridConfig parcelRadius. 0 to: r*2 by: (r/4) do: [ :i | | c | c := TCube new colorize: aColor. c translation: 0 @ i @ 0. sp addChild: c. c := TCube new colorize: aColor. c translation: r*2 @ i @ 0. sp addChild: c. c := TCube new colorize: aColor. c translation: i @ 0 @ 0. sp addChild: c. c := TCube new colorize: aColor. c translation: i @ r*2 @ 0. sp addChild: c. ]! !

makeWidget: scale:

BaseWorld {toys}
makeWidget: uri scale: scl | frame fileName | fileName := FileDirectory pathFromURI: uri. frame := (TLoad3DSMax new initializeWithFileName: fileName scale: scl) frame. frame boundsDepth: 1. frame initBounds. frame do:[ :tf | tf isMesh ifTrue:[ tf materialList do:[ :ml | ml ambientColor: #(0.2 0.5 1.0 0.8). ml diffuseColor:#(0.2 0.5 1.0 0.8). ml textureMode: GLModulate. ]]. tf checkAlpha. ]. ^frame! !


BaseWorld {toys}
makeWindow "Already has a cache mechanism in class #new. However, this is overrideable by BaseWorld subclasses." ^TWindow new.! ! 'From Croquet1.0beta of 11 April 2006 [latest update: #0] on 24 March 2007 at 5:39:30 pm'!
WisconsinWorld {toys}
makeWindow ^KMedia2DContainer newOn: self island.! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! WisconsinWorld class instanceVariableNames: ''!


GridWorld {initialize}
parcelRadius ^ gridConfig parcelRadius! !


GridWorld {initialize}
parcels ^ parcels! !

position: at:

WisconsinWorld {initialize}
position: anObject at: aTranslation floor ifNil: [^anObject translation: aTranslation]. anObject translation: aTranslation x @ ((floor contents heightAt: aTranslation x @ aTranslation z) - floorOffset)@ aTranslation z. ! !

position: on: at:

WisconsinWorld {initialize}
position: anObject on: aTerrain at: aTranslation anObject translation: aTranslation x @ ((aTerrain contents heightAt: aTranslation x @ aTranslation z) - floorOffset)@ aTranslation z. ! !


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
terrainHeightScale ^0.3! !


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
terrainSeed ^12345! !


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
terrainSmoothness ^0.8! !


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
terrainTextureName ^'lawn.BMP'! !


WisconsinWorld {initialize}
terrainUVScale ^20@20! !


GridWorld {initialize}
xSize ^ gridConfig xSize! !


GridWorld {initialize}
ySize ^ gridConfig ySize! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! GridWorld class instanceVariableNames: ''!