YaK:: WebLog #574 Topic : 2011-02-18 04.54.05 tas : Distributed indexing and tracking and backup for all your data on all your devices [Changes]   [Calendar]   [Search]   [Index]   [PhotoTags]   
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Distributed indexing and tracking and backup for all your data on all your devices

Get all your devices to automatically chat with each other and figure out where we put all our data, keep redundant backups, and keep important parts where they are needed.

A collection of persistent, redundant databases on all your devices that communicate for the purposes of backing up a person's data among multiple machines, akin to DARCX and other forms of versioning control, to defend against malfunctioning systems, data loss, and other digital maladies.

* Devices can communicate between each other to merge / match up their personal databases of information, creating an improved copy of their two database versions. * Devices do not need to possess a "perfect" / "master" copy of the database -- when two or more devices meet, they compare, update, and merge their databases, creating successively better iterations of data between them. * Drives are encrypted between users, but trusted associates and family members should each have parts of that users' encryption key in case of emergencies.

- Rach and [tas] (and Strick...)


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by tas:
Original data of invention 8/1/10.

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